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Jan. 2009 |
at age 13 but would get it every 4 weeks (a touch up). I wore extensions in the summer too but notice there would be some type of breakage or split ends. So I started wearing weaves especially since I was going away to college and wanted to not have to deal with my hair too much, plus there was no good hairdressers where I went to school at either. My hair did grow but unfortunately I went to a hairdresser in Rochester, NY to get a weave done and she sewed in most my hair but glued the track on the top of my hair which broke my hair at the top. In 2009 I cut my hair to ear length so that my hair can grow thicker and for it to be even but I also put highlights in it which broke my hair alittle as well. I continued wearing weaves but weaves did really make my hair grow and the hairdresser in Rochester was my only bad experience with a weave. I notice my hair was growing alot between 2010-2011 but again I want HEALTHY long hair not just long hair. :)
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June 2011 |
Hair started breaking and shedding |
You see my hair is long but thin at the ends and unhealthy.
Dec 2011 I decided to go on a healthy hair journey to use products that helped in hair growth and for healthy hair using Shea Moisture products as a start. Within 2 yrs my hair got from being thin to becoming thicker also it started growing long. I went from using weaves to wigs as protective style for my hair which helped in my hair growth. Also stretching my relaxers for 4 to 5 months it wasn't easy sometimes but I can tell my hair was getting thicker and healthier. Then I decided to texlax (underprocessing of hair using a relaxer) rather than relax because when I relaxed my hair it would be so fine. But when I texlax my hair seemed like it had more body to it and was a lot thicker. Unfortunately I took it upon myself to start Texlaxing my hair myself with the instructions of youtube videos and I feel that's what made my hair turn for the worst. My hair started shedding alot and their was breakage so my hair started thinning at the ends which made it frustrating for me. I tried to even trim my own ends but that also didn't go to well because I ended up cutting more than what I was suppose to which left my hair looking horrible. Soon I started thinking about going natural to get my hair back to its healthy state but that meant I had to cut my relaxed hair. I was very hesitant to do it because I love having long hair even if it was extensions but at the same time I was tired of the shedding and my hair wasn't getting any better. I didn't want to continue on with the shedding and thin uneven ends so on Feb 2015 I made the biggest decision in life to go natural and cut all my relaxed ends off (Big Chopped). And thankfully I didn't regret it! I'm now natural and TWA but still have the goal for my hair to get to mid-back length I'll say in 2-3 yrs...
U can rock both chica both long n short but i like the short. Guess cuz that's all i know but i actually like it better though! But either or is good!!