
Welcome to my blog on a "Healthy Hair Journey" , keeping ya'll updated on my progress of my hair using natural products and oils to care for my hair. So follow me and let's journey together to having healthy hair!

November 13, 2015

Maintained Twists For 2 months

The end of August I had gotten some twists installed and honestly I didn't like how the person did my hair because they was rushing which lead them to do a sloppy job in some areas. But despite that I was able to maintain my twists for 2 months washed it every two weeks, would oil my scalp every week and style it. It was easy to maintain in my opinion especially as a protective style for the Fall/Winter months to give your hair some rest. I like the twists better than the braids now so that's what I prefer to wear. Also I have to give credit to the youtubbers who gave directions "how to wash
your hair in twists" which helped alot such as JourneyTo WaistLength who I follow.
When I washed my hair I use the water in a spray bottle mixed with shampoo method worked really good and made the twists last longer in neatness. Sometimes after I washed my hair some thought I had gotten my hair re-twisted, which was funny. The down side of me getting twists was that my edges especially on the right side of my head broke off. I know...I know I stay having issues with my edges it never fails! I think it could be how they twisted or it can be because I did a lot of updo styles with my twists causing it to pull my edges or it could've been both reasons. Anyway that was the only down side BUT my hair grew and that was the goal! 

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