
Welcome to my blog on a "Healthy Hair Journey" , keeping ya'll updated on my progress of my hair using natural products and oils to care for my hair. So follow me and let's journey together to having healthy hair!

March 9, 2013

For Thin & Fine Hair

This message is for those like myself who have thin or/and fine hair. At times we may yearn for thick hair, we look at videos and pictures of women with thick hair and we do everything we can to try to grow our hair to be thick. We may go natural, cut off our hair and start over, going through different lengths to achieve this thickness that we want. But listen if its in our genes for us to have Fine or Thin hair then doing all these things won't matter because that's what God gave us we have to work with what we have. Embrace our hair, continue to maintain healthy hair no matter what texture, thick or thin, fine or not just learn to accept and to work with what we have. Love the message in this video. So check it out the video below by "naturalhairgrwthshow" who has a new channel at "BritPopPrincess" on youtube.

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