- To those out there that use "Wigs" as a protective style make sure you put a shower cap under your wig cap. The reason is because even though wearing a wig can protect and give your hair a break, the wig cap itself can break your edges since its usually fits tight around the edges. Plus having the shower cap underneath will keep your hair moisturized. Only thing is to make sure the wig cap is placed on top of the shower cap, and don't leave any part of the shower cap out. Which may show at the edges of your wig. Also you may hear the shower cap noise every time you touch your head so be conscious of that :)
- Relaxed Stage: After washing my hair I try to avoid using direct heat on my hair so I usually put a moisturizer in my hair then roller set it and dry it under a soft bonnet hair dryer for like 45min-1hr. I take out the rollers and wrap my hair then wrap it in saran wrap. This honestly made my hair soft but my ends seemed still puffy so what I did was continue to moisturize and seal then wrap my hair the next two days without saran wrap though but with a scarf. The ends became straight and moisturized, then that also could be contributed by the shower cap which I described in the first discussion above. Either way both of these steps helped me to keep my hair nice and straight w/o using direct heat on my hair!
- Post Relaxed (6 wks or more): After washing my hair and because of the new growth I tend to add my moisturizer and then braid my hair in 4 sections going back while letting my hair air dry.
- Co Washing is best for me when my hair is stretched for awhile then that's when its good for my hair in my opinion not after just getting a relaxer.
- Giovanni Shampoo and "Smooth as Silk" deep moisturized conditioner works really good on my hair I noticed. Shea Moisture shampoo and conditioner is good too but Giovanni seems to be better for me.
- "Shea Moisture Curl and Style Milk" along with the Reconstructive Elixir has definitely benefited my hair especially on my new growth helping my hair become more manageable and soft!
- "Tresemme Thermal Creations Heat Tamer Protective Spray" is excellent for my hair when I want to flat iron my hair and mind you I don't flatiron my hair often. I spray each section then flatiron each small piece. My hair comes out soft, bouncy and full when using this stuff. It's comes out like I just came out of a Dominican hair salon!!

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