Welcome to my blog on a "Healthy Hair Journey" , keeping ya'll updated on my progress of my hair using natural products and oils to care for my hair. So follow me and let's journey together to having healthy hair!
December 31, 2011
Ready For My Leave-In Conditioner
I FINALLY have all my ingredients for my version of "Kimmaytube Leave-In Conditioner" since I finally got my Aloe Vera Juice WHOLE LEAF. I mixed my ingredients together so I will be using it tomorrow when I wash my hair again. I'll let ya'll know the results of it and give my opinion about the leave-in hope to have good results :)
December 27, 2011
Box Braids
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Hair Box Braided |
Hey Im not much of a braider so doing cornrolls on my hair was not an option! My thing is if you can't Cornroll, Box Braid!! That's exactly what I did my parts wasn't all that neat but its difficult when you are not a braider and doing your OWN head. This how my hair look today, if I was gonna wear this out then I would put rubberbands on the ends since its a little loose at the ends. But Im just gonna pin it down and put my wig cap on along with my wig so it doesn't really matter.
December 26, 2011
First Bantu Knots Attempt (Hmm...)
So this was first time doing this style and I did this right after washing my hair last night. It did come out curly but still my hair is like 85% shrinkage so my hair looked short and looked like a curly afro. Maybe I didn't take it out right because I did put moisturizer in my hair while doing the knots only thing is maybe I should of wet it more since my hair was drying quickly... Well it was a good attempt anyway maybe I'll try it again another time in the future, but here is a few pictures below :)
December 25, 2011
Homemade Hair Mayonnaise A Miracle!
OMG...So I ended up trying the hair mayonnaise deep conditioner that was HOMEMADE!! I loved how soft and managable it made my hair. I got the idea from a girl name Amira, you can check out her youtube page she gives good tips on hair as well. I like that she's stretching out her perms like I am so I can relate more to her than with those who are natural since I'm still perming my hair. But anywho my mom thought I was crazy when I asked for the Mayonnaise for my hair but she had reduced fat mayonnaise with olive oil. I wasn't sure if that made a difference but oh well that's all we had, so I used it...
The Ingredients Is Almost like Amira but a little different,
December 23, 2011
What I Picked Up 2 Day!!
Today I did some running around and finally picked up some Aloe Vera Juice to use for the leave-in conditioner that my friend "Shy"! [Shout Out To Her!!] told me about that was put together by Kimmaytube (Oh btw you can check out Kimmaytube's Youtube Page and check out some of her informative videos on caring for natural hair or your hair period.) But then I realized that the "Aloe Vera Juice" has to be WHOLE LEAF so I need to take this Aloe vera juice that I picked up back. So I ended up ordering the right one online so I should be getting it in a couple of days or sometime next week. As soon as I get the Whole Leaf Aloe Vera Juice I will make the conditioner using it on my next wash day and then let ya'll know if I felt any difference in my hair, using my HONEST opinion. I also picked up some more JoJoba Oil for stock and some containers to mix my oils and stuff in. I may post up a video of how to make Kimmaytube's Leave In Conditioner depending on it's results on my hair. Ok so that's basically it for today got some things to do and I'll catch ya'll later :)
December 20, 2011
Tip of The Week #2
Wide tooth combs are very good to use when trying to detangle (or separate) tightly coiled or kinky hair. Make sure when using it that you start from the ends and slowly work your way up until the hair combs easily after washing your hair. Wide tooth combs also prevents breakage/split ends and even when styling your hair it's good to use; unlike regular combs and brushes.
Instyler Review
Ok so I've had the instyler for a year or so and when I saw it on t.v. I was like oooooh! there's something I can use to make my hair straight with curls!! No more perms! That's what I thought. Everyone has there on opinions and reviews on this product ranging from good to bad. I wouldn't say that this product is terrible because it's not, it actually does the job of straightening and making your hair fuller. Again everyone's hair is different maybe the product works better for some people even though according to the commercial it works on all types of hair. Also it can depend on the product itself, meaning that some people may get a very good instyler and some may receive a defective one.
December 19, 2011
Remember: Aaliyah
I always admired Aaliyah's hair, it was black, straight and long; she always had one side of her hair swooped to the side. Not only did she have beautiful hair she was beautiful herself. I would always hoped to have long hair like her someday but in reality I knew that probably wouldn't happen. But ever since I started taking care of my hair more and seeing great Healthy Hair stories of how people acheived their length I am finally hopeful. I would like my hair to be as long as Aaliyah's but it may take me a few years to achieve that length but it's fine I'm sure to make it there. Oh I have some information from magazines on Aaliyah's hair...
December 16, 2011
My Start Length
Random: Music
SWV New Single Cosign
I LOVE LOVE LOVE SWV Okay!! ya'll don't understand I've been looking forward to hearing new music from them for a long while and they finally out with their new single "Cosign". I am not disappointed at all, I love it and all the girls are singing parts, see this is the type of music I miss. Check Out The New Single & Request It On Your LOCAL STATIONS!! These Ladies are back baby!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE SWV Okay!! ya'll don't understand I've been looking forward to hearing new music from them for a long while and they finally out with their new single "Cosign". I am not disappointed at all, I love it and all the girls are singing parts, see this is the type of music I miss. Check Out The New Single & Request It On Your LOCAL STATIONS!! These Ladies are back baby!!
What Is Your Hairtype??
What does it mean when someone says their hairtype is 3a or 4b? Well don't be ashamed I had NO clue what it meant either. Usually if someone asked me what my hairtype was, I would most likely describe my hair texture to them. But actually there are 4 types of hair within those types are "letters" that are categorized by texture.
December 14, 2011
Tip of The Week #1
Did you know silk is gentle for your hair? Yes by using a silk scarf, a silk bonnet or a silk pillow case if you forget to tie up your hair can cause your hair to shed less and have less breakage. Thankfully my loving Grandme was kind enough to make me some silk pillow cases a few years back and its being put to good use! Cotton pillow cases are NOo Good so if you do sleep on some make sure you tie your hair with a silk scarf or bonnet. Also since its winter and some of us may wear our winter hats its best to wrap or tie your hair that's gonna be covered by your hat with a scarf or bonnet (silk) to avoid hair shedding and breakage as well. Any suggestions you have concerning these, let me know I would like to hear ya'll opinions.
Moisturize & Seal
How Do I Moisturize & Seal?
- I part my hair into 4 sections and use my "Organic coconut & hibiscus curl & style milk" moisturizer only use a small amount for each section since my hair is not thick. Work my fingers through my hair until I do all sections.
- I then use "Shea Butter: Reconstructive Elixer" as my seal and I apply a small amount of that as well (1 spray for each section). Again I work my fingers through my hair and then comb each section with a WIDE tooth comb not a regular comb.
December 13, 2011
Dry Scalp
Ok so right now Im trying to find a way to get rid of my dry scalp because its a little dry right now and I need to moisturize my hair. Always had dry scalp even my dermatologist told me it's an issue, lol. I would wash my hair today but because its cold now Im trying to avoid washing my hair every week don't want to get sick by mistake. So I will be doing a little research on what natural products I can use for my dry scalp. I did see someone say olive oil, but I'll experiment and see :)
(stay tuned...)
(stay tuned...)
Misconception About Weaves/Wigs
Many have the misconception of women wearing weaves or wigs. "Oh she must be baldheaded" or "She must not have alot of hair", many times men think this and some women. Does wearing a weave or a wig necessarily mean a woman doesn't have any hair?? No. What some don't realize is that many times their favorite artists, actresses or entertainers are wearing a weave or sometimes a wig. Even models that advertise for these hair products, having us think that using the product will make our hair look as perfect as theirs and only to find out that its not really their hair.
December 12, 2011
Products Im Using
Shea Moisture Products
- Retention Shampoo
- Restorative Conditioner
- Reconstructive Elixer
- Deep Treatment Masque
- Organic Coconut & Hibiscus Curl & Style Milk
- Jojoba Oil
- Jamaican Castro Oil
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All included in the Repair & Transition Kit |
For Vitamins
- GNC hair, nail, skin vitamins (once a day)
- Country Life Liquid multivitamins and supplements (mango flavor) (once a day)
Natural Products Not Hair!
Some may be mistaken when I say Natural...I do not mean hair I mean using hair products that don't have any chemicals in them however I am still using a perm which is a chemical product so I guess I can say Im using MOSTLY non chemical products lol. I don't really want to go natural though because its alot of work to go through I've heard but to each is own. I do not knock women who wear their hair natural because its beautiful as well but I KNOW me, lol and it's not for me. I will NEVER SAY NEVER but for now I am continuing to perm my hair but I am stretching my perms and treating my hair in between by deep conditioners that I use from Shea Moisture which I am trying out now. So again for those who are doing the natural hair or those stretching their perms and using most non chemical products share with me your journey as well, I love to hear experiences from others :)
About My Hair
I never had long hair growing up, my hair is just now starting to grow the longest it have ever been which is to my shoulders I would say. I always had thin hair and always wanted to have long hair but because of excessive perming, heat and not using the right products I couldn't achieve it. I use to have my hair straightened with the hot comb when I was younger by my mom but it would rain and my hair would get frizzy and puffy which I hated. So I told my mom I wanted a perm and got my first perm
My Goals
My Goals In My "Healthy Hair Journey"
- Longer Hair To Mid-Back
- Less Split Ends
- Less Breakage
- Hair Less Dry
- More Moisture In Hair
- Thicker Hair
Why Start A Healthy Hair Journey?
After one of my good friends recommended me to try a healthy hair journey I figured "Hey, Why Not?!". So I learned from her and a few youtube videos on how I should care for my hair in a healthy way. Learning that many products I was using for my hair had alot of alcohols, sulfide, sulfate (shampoos) and other chemicals that was damaging to my hair. So I decided to try out a "Healthy Hair Journey" to see how my hair would improve by using oils (jamaican castro oil, olive oil, vitamin E), sufate-free shampoos and taking vitamins as well. The exact date of my start is Dec 6, 2011 and let's see how it goes!!
To view my video below since it's Private please send me your youtube s/n or email. Thanks
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