Many have the misconception of women wearing weaves or wigs. "Oh she must be baldheaded" or "She must not have alot of hair", many times men think this and some women. Does wearing a weave or a wig necessarily mean a woman doesn't have any hair?? No. What some don't realize is that many times their favorite artists, actresses or entertainers are wearing a weave or sometimes a wig. Even models that advertise for these hair products, having us think that using the product will make our hair look as perfect as theirs and only to find out that its not really their hair.
Not to say that some women don't wear weaves or wigs for the lack of hair they do have but isn't always the case! Me personally have hair but I get tired of doing my own hair sometimes and like to get a weave done so I don't have to bother with my hair. Also weaves (sew-ins) are very good if you want your hair to rest and grow. My hair grew alot wearing weaves and I continue to wear weaves. Though I prefer weaves over wigs, I did wear a wig before and at this very moment Im wearing one, but its only temproary because I'm waiting next month to get my hair done. But yes even women with the longest or nicest hair wear wigs/weaves to change up their hairstyle and to not have to deal with doing their own hair. Many times especially men can't even tell if a woman is wearing a weave if its done nicely and neatly. So please people stop with these misconceptions about those that wear weaves or wigs it's a personal choice; which also assists in hair growth.

*Another misconception about wigs/weaves is not just BLACK women wear weaves
all ethnicities (ex. white, spanish, asian) and if you use to watch America's Next Top Model you would know and have witnessed this yourself.
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