
Welcome to my blog on a "Healthy Hair Journey" , keeping ya'll updated on my progress of my hair using natural products and oils to care for my hair. So follow me and let's journey together to having healthy hair!

December 23, 2011

What I Picked Up 2 Day!!

Today I did some running around and finally picked up some Aloe Vera Juice to use for the leave-in conditioner that my friend "Shy"! [Shout Out To Her!!] told me about that was put together by Kimmaytube (Oh btw you can check out Kimmaytube's Youtube Page and check out some of her informative videos on caring for natural hair or your hair period.) But then I realized that the "Aloe Vera Juice" has to be WHOLE LEAF so I need to take this Aloe vera juice that I picked up back. So I ended up ordering the right one online so I should be getting it in a couple of days or sometime next week. As soon as I get the Whole Leaf Aloe Vera Juice I will make the conditioner using it on my next wash day and then let ya'll know if I felt any difference in my hair, using my HONEST opinion. I also picked up some more JoJoba Oil for stock and some containers to mix my oils and stuff in. I may post up a video of how to make Kimmaytube's Leave In Conditioner depending on it's results on my hair. Ok so that's basically it for today got some things to do and I'll catch ya'll later :)

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